High white blood count

So I went to see my oncologist today because my fever still keeps coming back. Blood test showed that my white blood count was way too high which is what’s causing the fever. It’s high because of the neulasta which is meant to balance things out after the chemo suppresses your immune system. So next time I will not be taking neulasta after my next chemo treatment. At least we know there’s no infection and everything is okay.

Also the left underarm node can’t be felt anymore, so it may not even be there anymore. I am so grateful thank GOD. My oncologist said I’m responding beautifully. At least feeling terrible through chemo was and will continue to be worth it.

As I was leaving this woman came in and was visiting the nurses and staff. She’s been cancer free for 10 years!!! Awesome! I was so out of it at the time because I wasn’t feeling well but it was so great to see a 10 year survivor. 🙂

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